Chiropractors & Health Coaches!
Business has changed in 2024 and so must you!
Start building your online recurring income today. Monetize your knowledge and start your Client Goldmine...I will show you how!
Craft your Online Heroic Offer...and Implement our Client Getting Goldmine and put your Business on Autopilot!
I have helped hundreds of Chiropractors and Health Pros create online recurring income and businesses -- with our client-getting Gold Mine. Share your unique genius and skills with the world, impact more people positively, make a great livingā¦ and make it home for dinner (and lunch, too!).
Remove the Health Expert from the
āBrick & Mortarā Experience... but not the Results!
Step 1: Identify Your
"Rich" Niche
Dial in on your 'niche specialization' with our patented NEXT University & AI Assist -- coached weekly too!
Step 2: Discover Your Bankable Knowledge & Make Your First $3000
Create your essential online brand, master your message & mission, attract paying clients, connect, and convert your ideal online consumers.
Step 3: Client-Getting Gold Mine
Get my 4 phases of client conversions that ascends to a complete SCALE of your efforts over time. Client Gold Mine added 5 million to my business!
Dr. Suzanne Buffie
"It is confirmed! I just got my first high ticket group coaching sale before my webinar even happened. Thanks so much Dr. Ed Osburn.
Dr. Charles Leroux
"My results are way beyond my expectations. I launched my podcast one year ago and it is listened to in more than 95 countries! I finally launched my first online program with more than 100 people!
Dr. Scott Watier
"We just broke 600k downloads in just 18 months! I could have never imagined it would have this much impact and be so much fun. Thanks to you, your TCP podcast training from back in the day, and your ongoing coaching and support!
I See You. I Get You.
Just a few years ago, I was working insane hours to build my practice, under some misguided idea that I was ādoing it for my family.ā And then the Universe hit me upside the head with a 2x4. Stress and those never-ending work hours left me chronically ill.
And chronic illness left me unable to work with patients one-on-one. Suddenly, the life I thought I wanted ā the one where I could provide for my family and do what I loved ā was ripped right from my grasp.
I was forced to make a change. Out of pure desperation and survival, I deconstructed the path to creating a business that didnāt require seeing 350+ patients a week or working 12-hour days.
And hereās the crazy thing: This new business is way more fulfilling, way more sustainable, and way more profitable than literally killing myself to āserveā others
Iāve helped thousands of other docs to do the same: Create a business that allows you to share your unique genius and skill with the world, impact more people positively, make a great livingā¦ and make it home for dinner (and lunch, too!).
I can help you put YOUR business on autopilot and allow you time freedom in practice. Start living your best life!
Client Stories
Frank Pirri, Nutritionist
"His (Dr. Ed Osburn) guidance is priceless!."
Dr. Jason Dean
Dr. Monique Andrews
"...crushing it!"
Don't Take Our Word For It
Dr. Skip Wyss
"Thank you... you over delivered and brought so much Clarity and vision...."
Dr. Courtney Gowin
"This weekend with Dr. Ed in Nashville has been so impactful...!"
Dr. Sarah Hart
"Thank you for being the beacon to show what's possible and for supporting us on our journeys."
Dr. Skip Wyss
"Nothing like making money while you sleep!"
Dr. Rema Zereh
Dr.Aaron Tressler
"Around $23,500 after products and shirts."
Dr. Rob Vasquez
"We did 17k last week while in Acapulco."
Dr. Donna PerilloĀ
"Dr Ed you are a master of clarity and simplicity thank you."
Experience the community andĀ camaraderie of the Laptop Lifestyle
Laptop Lifestyle Mastermind Experience
Attend any one of the in person or virtual Laptop Lifestyle events each year!
Dr. Clayton Roach
"Best decision in 2020...joining the Inner Circle."
Dr. Shara Ferguson
Dr. Joshua Korten
"1st High Ticket sale!!."
Dr. Charles Francis
Dr. Kristina Kill-Stitcher
"Wow wow wow...."
Wait there's more!
Dr. Wade Anunson
"...I love what Dr. Ed is doing and he can meet you where you are at! ... He actually cares."
Dr. Ryan Doyle
"This is a phenomenal group of people who want to take their talents outside their circle of influence!"
Dr. Kelly Polzin
"thank you... change my life!"
Dr. Cory Graham
"He wants to see you succeed. He will give you the tools to succeed!"
Dr. David Fletcher & Nancy Fletcher, CLA
"We made the decision to have a 'coach'!"
Ā "100K online earner!"
"36K online earner!"
"1st $3000 sale!!."
"Wow wow wow...."
"1st $2000 sale!!."
Success is Contagious
Jim Chester
"I look forward to being part of this mastermind and I encourage others to join as well."
Dr. Charles Leroux
"(Dr. Ed) is very genuine and very authentic... I was really inspired to join!"
"First online sale!"
Don't Take Our Word For It
Dr. Jason Dean
"...Does this work?
I want to let you know it does work!"
Dr. Josh Handt
"Dr. Ed has helped me chase something I have wanted for so long"
Drs. Stuart and Theresa Warner
"We have not done a video endorsement LIKE THIS in over 10 years!"